January 26, 2009

The Grocery List


I am pleased to present the latest video from FeatherStone Productions and Side of the Road Films entitled "The Grocery List".


This video stars myself Steve Coleman and my wife Rachel and my daughter Bridget. I thank them for their participation and giving me the time and permission to create this video. About this video. It was filmed using my HD camcorder, the Sony HDR-HC3, and was stationed on a tripod for most of the production. I edited it together using Adobe Premiere Elements 3. I used one sound effect at the beginning when the garage door opens as the actual audio was a little weak. Music at the beginning and at the end is "Say it Again" by new artist Marie Digby. Watch out for this one, she is very talented and I recommend picking up her new CD "Unfold" at your local record store or on iTunes.

I won't say much more about the video itself as it deserves a post all to itself which will be coming soon. Expect to see more work from FeatherStone Productions and Side of the Road Films in the near future. Thanks for reading this post and for watching the linked video. I hope you enjoy it.

Steve Coleman

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