March 3, 2009

Two for the price of one

Steven Christopher Coleman I’ve started filming my next FeatherStone Production which is currently untitled. The truth is that I was actually filming for two videos that just happen to take place in the same location. The first one which I hope to debut in the month of March is a more comedic video with a hint of conflict, while the second production is meant to compliment future footage of when our baby is born. I wrote on my Facebook page once that “Steve is presently writing his future and drawing parallels to the past.”; well that is what I was alluding to. I’m hoping that I can enhance certain moments by providing a glimpse or two into the past. Yes this is 100% a rip off from Lost – the best show on TV – but only if I am able to pull it off. You’ll have to stay tuned to find out, I expect that video will be ready in August 2009.

Do you like my new “I’m making a video” photograph. That is a Lost poster in the background. And the camera I am using is a Sony HDR-HC3; it records onto Mini DV tapes and does an excellent job.

The March production however needs one more evening for some B-Roll filming and then the next evening I hope to start editing everything together. In the videos I show two books that I have read; one is Watership Down and the other is Fahrenheit 451. Don’t look for any secret meaning behind why I chose these books. I wanted to go down that path and pick something that could relate directly to the scene, but my collection isn’t that immense and my literary knowledge is even smaller for me to pick the appropriate book. So I grabbed two that I read in the past two years.

Well stay tuned for later updates after I have some footage edited. I'll show some exclusive content of the shoot later this month. Thanks for reading and I'll chat with ya later.

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