April 20, 2009

Friend to the Animals

Bridget and I have been planning on making a bird feeder for some time and finally the weather improved enough that we could do so. While she was taking her nap I did all the assembly work. We used a two-liter pop bottle, some twigs that we found around the yard, some string and an eyelet screwed into the bottle cap. We had bought the bird seed earlier in the day from the Bulk Barn. I tied the string around a branch near the back of our yard so it would be ready for us later on. When Bridget woke up she was so excited to go outside into the backyard.

Bridget's job was to scoop the seeds out of the bag and into the funnel. She did pretty good for a while but she was too busy explaining what she was doing that it took forever. You have to love that about her. I finished putting the seeds into the bottle and Bridget was all worried about the seeds that had fallen onto the deck. I insured her that the birds would find them there too.

Once we screwed the bottle back onto the lid it didn't take long for a Chick-a-dee to find it. I was able to walk pretty close to the bird before it got frightened. Bridget and I then took some bird seeds and placed them in the palm out of hands to see if the Chick-a-dee would come to us. Bridget was very patient and stood there a while but the bird perfered the new feeder that we made. One website said that it can take around three weeks before birds in the neighbourhood figure out that the feeder is there. I think we will try to feed the birds out of our hands later at that time. There will hopefully be power in numbers. I'm curious to see how Bridget reacts but I know that she will be very excited and probably talk about it for weeks. I wish I would have had my camera when I was standing right next to the feeder, I bet the picture would have looked amazing. Oh well, Spring has only just arrived and more fun is to be had in our backyard.

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