April 22, 2009

What does Indiana Jones, Captian Picard, and Julius Caesar have in common?

July 13, 2009 - How weird is it that I know when our new baby is going to be born right down to the approximant time of 9:30am. So much for the due date carrying any element of surprise. (Although Rachel could still go into labor before then.) We are so glad that we haven’t found out if it is going to be a boy or girl now.

Right after Rachel told me I googled ‘July 13’ to see if it has any signifigance in history or otherwise. This is some of what I learned:

  • July 13th is the 194th day or the year or 195th if it is a leap year
  • Julius Caesar was born that day in 100 BC
  • In 1985 the Live Aid benefit concert took place
  • Patrick Stewart and Harrison Ford were both born that day (Very Cool!!)

I find the last fact the most interesting as I am a Star Trek and Indiana Jones fan. So let the countdown begin: 82 days to go!!

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