July 22, 2009

Claire Olivia - Day One Video

One of my most favorite part of having kids is making a video about their first day of life.


I love that it is truely a moment that comes only once and can not be recreated in any way. So when I found out that I could take my camcorder into the operation room, I was stoked. All I really wanted to capture was the doctor announcing if it was a boy or girl. If I only got that, I would be very happy. Luckily I was able to get a few other shots and angles to capture the moment.

As always the downside of being behind the camera is that you are never infront of it. I managed to get one shot of me that I worked into the video, but it makes it look like I was never in the room and that I am still waiting as you never see my face again. I don't think I got recorded with the baby until the second day. That footage I can use for my Fatherhood video that I have been crafting for over a year now.

I filmed everything using my Sony HD MiniDV camcorder (HDR-HC3) and it was all handheld. I had a tripod with me in the van, but I never saw the need; plus it can be bulky and in the way when nurses and doctors are coming into our room to check on Rachel and Claire. I knew ahead of time that I wasn't going to be using much of the audio and I directed people to ignore me and focus on the baby.

I love the music of Michael Giacchino and I love Lost so it was just natural for me to use his music from that show. I knew for a long time that I wanted to use the second piece you hear in the video. I loved that moment in the tv show and now I love it even more used in my video.

Anyways, that is all that I can think of as commentary on my latest video. I knew how I wanted it to look, however I had no idea what the footage would actually look like. Like I said, you only have once chance at it. Until next time...

July 6, 2009

Why Blog??

What is the difference between blogging, Facebook or Twitter? Do I really think anyone cares?

These are some of the questions or comments I hear about the growing phenomenon of social websites. They are not going away anytime soon, so I best get a handle on the situation or else I’ll totally be clueless around the time Bridget starts using the computer. I think it is a great tool to find out what is going on with distant friends and family, plus a great way to share photos and videos that you are proud of. Some think it is impersonal and I agree. There is no need to pick up a pen and write a letter and mail acutal photographs, which I think has become a lost art. People no longer pick up the phone and call to see how you are, they just log in and read your profile. I’m guilty of it.

I write this blog because I see it as an art. It is a creative expression of who I am. It is a tool that I can use to improve my writing and communication abilities. I can edit photographs and create designs and talk about the process behind them and I and others can learn from them. Being in Marketing it is also important to know the latest trends in getting your message across. I blog so I don’t have to cram information via email to family and friends. They can come to me now. I do it for them, but I don’t want to be too in-their-face about it. Especially sicne we all have stuff going on in our lives right now, and reading an email about Bridget pretending to be Tigger is the last thing someone wants to read.

Anyways, I plan on writing quite a bit more this year since I am excited about the new baby and about my life in general. I plan on sharing, I plan on blogging.

July 5, 2009

Building Blocks

When I was younger, around 7-9 years old, every Saturday morning I would eat breakfast and then go into our living room, put cartoons on, and get out my wooden blocks. There I would sit building mazes, buildings, race tracks, or anything that my imagination could dream up. After being stored away by my mom for nearly 20 years, the blocks and I were finally reunited.

Bridget sporting her new haircut, being very helpful when putting her blocks away.

When I got them out again, very quickly all those memories came flooding back to me. I’m excited that Bridget has them to play with, as it is a great way to stimulate the imagination. Plus best of all it hasn’t cost us a dime. She is more interested in knocking over any towers or buildings that Daddy makes, but in no time at all she will be calling me into the basement proud to show off her latest creation.

July 3, 2009

Congrats to Matt and Lesley

My younger cousin Matt is now the father of four kids. Way to go Matt!! Today they welcomed into this world a new baby girl and boy, Layla Elizabeth and Evan Matthew. Our family is so excited for them as we are counting down the days until we get to meet our own new baby. We can't wait to get together with them once all the dust has settled and our wives are feeling up to it. Congrats Matt, Lesley, Owen, and Austin!! Today you have truely been blessed.

July 2, 2009

Who's teaching who

So Bridget has lately been getting up around 5 - 5:30am and coming into our room. I get up and take her to the bathroom and then escort her back to her bed to sleep a little bit more. She is confused because the sun is just starting to come out and she thinks it is morning. Thankfully she does fall back to sleep for maybe 30 to 45 minutes if we're lucky.

Well last night was the first time in a while that she slept at her Oma and Opa's place. And going to bed I had this nagging thought that I was still going to wake up at 5am. Sure enough, like clockwork, I woke up at that time and sat up listening for her. It was pure instinct kicking in since I knew she wasn't at home.

I figure it is Bridget getting us prepared for the new baby to be walking up at odd hours of the night and she wants her dad's instincts to be sharp. Thank you Bridget for thinking of me, I will remember this lesson when you are a teenager and return the favour.