July 22, 2009

Claire Olivia - Day One Video

One of my most favorite part of having kids is making a video about their first day of life.


I love that it is truely a moment that comes only once and can not be recreated in any way. So when I found out that I could take my camcorder into the operation room, I was stoked. All I really wanted to capture was the doctor announcing if it was a boy or girl. If I only got that, I would be very happy. Luckily I was able to get a few other shots and angles to capture the moment.

As always the downside of being behind the camera is that you are never infront of it. I managed to get one shot of me that I worked into the video, but it makes it look like I was never in the room and that I am still waiting as you never see my face again. I don't think I got recorded with the baby until the second day. That footage I can use for my Fatherhood video that I have been crafting for over a year now.

I filmed everything using my Sony HD MiniDV camcorder (HDR-HC3) and it was all handheld. I had a tripod with me in the van, but I never saw the need; plus it can be bulky and in the way when nurses and doctors are coming into our room to check on Rachel and Claire. I knew ahead of time that I wasn't going to be using much of the audio and I directed people to ignore me and focus on the baby.

I love the music of Michael Giacchino and I love Lost so it was just natural for me to use his music from that show. I knew for a long time that I wanted to use the second piece you hear in the video. I loved that moment in the tv show and now I love it even more used in my video.

Anyways, that is all that I can think of as commentary on my latest video. I knew how I wanted it to look, however I had no idea what the footage would actually look like. Like I said, you only have once chance at it. Until next time...

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