July 2, 2009

Who's teaching who

So Bridget has lately been getting up around 5 - 5:30am and coming into our room. I get up and take her to the bathroom and then escort her back to her bed to sleep a little bit more. She is confused because the sun is just starting to come out and she thinks it is morning. Thankfully she does fall back to sleep for maybe 30 to 45 minutes if we're lucky.

Well last night was the first time in a while that she slept at her Oma and Opa's place. And going to bed I had this nagging thought that I was still going to wake up at 5am. Sure enough, like clockwork, I woke up at that time and sat up listening for her. It was pure instinct kicking in since I knew she wasn't at home.

I figure it is Bridget getting us prepared for the new baby to be walking up at odd hours of the night and she wants her dad's instincts to be sharp. Thank you Bridget for thinking of me, I will remember this lesson when you are a teenager and return the favour.

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