July 6, 2009

Why Blog??

What is the difference between blogging, Facebook or Twitter? Do I really think anyone cares?

These are some of the questions or comments I hear about the growing phenomenon of social websites. They are not going away anytime soon, so I best get a handle on the situation or else I’ll totally be clueless around the time Bridget starts using the computer. I think it is a great tool to find out what is going on with distant friends and family, plus a great way to share photos and videos that you are proud of. Some think it is impersonal and I agree. There is no need to pick up a pen and write a letter and mail acutal photographs, which I think has become a lost art. People no longer pick up the phone and call to see how you are, they just log in and read your profile. I’m guilty of it.

I write this blog because I see it as an art. It is a creative expression of who I am. It is a tool that I can use to improve my writing and communication abilities. I can edit photographs and create designs and talk about the process behind them and I and others can learn from them. Being in Marketing it is also important to know the latest trends in getting your message across. I blog so I don’t have to cram information via email to family and friends. They can come to me now. I do it for them, but I don’t want to be too in-their-face about it. Especially sicne we all have stuff going on in our lives right now, and reading an email about Bridget pretending to be Tigger is the last thing someone wants to read.

Anyways, I plan on writing quite a bit more this year since I am excited about the new baby and about my life in general. I plan on sharing, I plan on blogging.

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