August 21, 2009

The Antenna Project Part One

I built myself a tv antenna yesterday made of cloths hangers to see if could be done. We don't subscribe to any cable or satelite television services because we feel that we don't get our money's worth out of it. As it stands we get the local Kitchener station coming in very clear on its own. And three other stations are visable to some degree.

Well when I hooked up my homemade antenna, I was able to double the amount of analog channels we receive. I was hoping for at least one digital signal, but I'll have to try again. I just had the antenna on the main floor and leaning against the wall, not very safe with two kids in the house. Later this month I will venture into the attic and connect it up there and see if it improves the number of channels we can get. CityTV from Toronto was one of the new stations which is cool, plus some French CBS station came in clear however we will never watch that.

I think that we will continue to download our television content for the time being and watch our shows on the Western Digital HDTV player. Plus iTunes has added a lot of new shows to its listing including LOST and Gossip Girl. If placing my antenna in the attic improves our total channels or adds a digital one, then I think I will consider adding a real antenna to our roof.

This project only cost me $11 dollars by the way. The cloths hangers were free.

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