April 22, 2011

Crafting the Cucumber


2011 is the 'Year of the Cucumber' in our home. We are building a website, www.craftycucumber.com, to marketplace the beautiful cards that my wife Rachel creates. It is an exciting project as it combines our two passions into one project. She loves creating things out of paper and I love creating things digitally.

I plan on blogging about the creative process from a web site development perspective. A lot of thought should go into a website if you want it to be successful. So to ensure we do it right (hopefully the first time) we are doing our research and documenting our thoughts and progress.

During the research phase I've come across a lot of great articles and resources that I feel are worth while sharing. It will be great for those starting a website for the first time or for those who just enjoy reading about website design and development.

Please check out the website www.craftycucumber.com and watch the site evolve. Follow me on Twitter to get the latest posts to this blog.

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