September 27, 2011

Three reasons why I deleted my Facebook account

I have done what might be considered social media suicide; I have deactivated my Facebook account. If you're looking for the steps to delete your account, this isn't the place to find answers. Instead I want to list the three main reasons why I decided to part ways with the popular site. Please leave me a comment if you can relate or think I'm out to lunch.

Why I deleted my Facebook account?
  1. What I don't know can't hurt me - Too many times I would come across a posting from someone I knew that makes mention of some event or upcoming opportunity that I was not included in or not even considered as a participant. It left me feeling depressed and sad and that isn't how I like to feel. So I figure ignorance will be bliss.

  2. Active versus Passive - I don't want to just be reading about what others are doing, I want to be a part of it. Participation is much more satisfying and it actually nurtures the relationship. It isn't always possible but it is a better option. Plus when I feel the need to share something, I want a response. I don't need someone to 'Like' a post on Facebook, I'd rather have someone ask me a follow up question or have actually been there as well.

  3. Setting a good example - I don't want my two kids to see their dad sitting at the computer reading about his friends and family. I want them to see how relationships get strengthened by actually being face to face with someone. I don't want them to feel the need to be plugged into a social network. I don't want the stories of how I used to get together with friends by actually picking up the phone and planning something to sound foreign to them.
Are these the only reasons, maybe, maybe not. They are the first three I thought of. We'll see if there is any fallout from this. I suspect not. I hope that no one takes my actions personally. I am simply cancelling an online service, not cancelling any friendships.

Besides, I am going to try and increase the frequency of this blog if someone wants to read about me online. There is always Twitter, a service I actually prefer to Facebook. But best of all, if anyone wants to get a hold of me, give me a phone call or show up at my doorstep. I will never turn you away and you'll always be greeted with a smile.

Has anyone else made the same choice? Or has someone else quit Facebook and regretted it? Let me know.