October 16, 2011

The Facebook Break-up

It has been a few weeks since I decided to deactivate my Facebook account and I don’t find myself missing it all too much. Or at least I don’t know what I am missing and I am OK with that. I wondered how I would react to deactivating the account having read articles about the addictive nature of the social media site. The only behavioral thing I observed was that my use had become habitual. We had the Facebook app on the iPod Touch, and each morning as I was making breakfast I would see what was new with people. Or if I had posted something the night before, I would see if anyone had responded to it. I remember feeling let down if I didn’t receive any recognition via a ‘Like’ or a comment. This is sad that I was using the site as some form of validation for who I was. That is exactly why I felt the need to break-up with Facebook. I just have to be careful not to repeat the same sins on this Blog.

Some interesting InfoGraphics:

Are We Too Obsessed With Facebook?

Facebook versus Twitter

1 comment:

  1. I love this. Great point about social validation Steve. We cannot define ourselves by the feedback we receive (or do not receive) on these sites.
