February 4, 2012

Blogger: Pages versus Posts

I am slowly but surely getting this blog/website to look and feel the way I want it to. Blogger is the tool I am using to manage the website and I've chosen the free NewsMagazine template from Deluxe Templates as my look and feel. I specifically loved the 'Featured Post' ability; that I hope doesn't get annoying. (please let me know)
I've recently added two tabs at the top of my navigation: Web Marketing and About Me. For a very frustrating day I thought I had to do this via the (Design > Edit HTML) section by editing the code so I could indicate the specific page. I turns out I add items to my navigation in the (Posting >Edit Pages) section. Although it wasn't what I expected.

What I wanted the 'Web Marketing' tab to show you was this 'Web Marketing' - which is showing you all the postings I have written about, you guessed it, web marketing. Instead what the Blogger Pages section creates is static pages. This is great for About Me type information, something that you can write once and occasionally update. I wish the Blogger help section was more clear on this.
So in Blogger, Posts will always show up in the main page. You can't move them into one of your pages. Pages are great for information like your personal bio, a static picture gallery, and any other information you need to only write/share once.
So with this new understanding I need to find a new way to allow people to navigate to certain types of posts. While I might find posts of my kids cute, those just looking for information about web design and social media might find it distracting.
Does anyone know how to create a custom navigation?

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