August 5, 2012

Web Analytics & Marketing Automation

I have just read a very thought provoking article by Rodica Buzescu titled 'Web Analytics & Marketing Automation: Why Businesses Need Both' on the site B2B Blogging. The article, which you should read, echoed the exact thoughts I had Friday afternoon when I experienced my first interaction with Google Analytics.

My main focus has been on the Marketing Automation side of things and I rarely thought much about the contact information not captured on a 'contact us' or 'sales request' form. That all changed when I saw a few simple stats. Now I am wondering about those who didn't fill out the form and what lost opportunities there might have been.

Prior to Friday I thought that Google Analytics was a hard to navigate program and that it would take me hours to get any real information out of it. I was so wrong and I feel terrible that I haven't looked at this kind of data sooner. I challenge anyone who manages Marketing Automation programs to gain access to this data and get ready to see things in a whole new way.

August 1, 2012

Should we have a third child?

This is the question that has suddenly crept into my heart and is looking for some resolution. We have two beautiful daughters who fill our lives with such happiness and they are both at an age (5 and 3 years old) that we can start doing more activities as a family. So why would I want to rock the boat?

When asked in kindergarten what I wanted to be when I grew up, my answer wasn’t the typical astronaut or fireman, I knew at that early age that I wanted to be a father. In grade twelve I had to write an essay and I chose the topic of success. I didn’t write about the millions I planned on making or about the luxuries my life would be able to afford me. I wrote a simple tale about building a family and loving them with all my heart. So I share all this because I think I’ve been hardwired since the beginning to grow a family.

Why not stop at two? Life is good right now, and with the two girls under our wings, I can see that trend continuing throughout our lives. Vehicles, vacations, and restaurants all cater primarily to a family of four. Once you start changing that equation, a lot more forethought has to go into everything. I don’t think it is impossible and where there is a will there is a way. But it is a major consideration which deserves asking; Should we have a third child?