January 25, 2013

Not too late to keep or start your resolutions

Not too late to keep or start your resolutions - Here are some tips!
Who doesn't struggle at keeping their new year's resolutions? Who says that you have to start them in January too? February is just as good a month, so if you have broken some resolutions already don't give up hope. I'm going to share some tips on how to help keep your resolutions this time.

#1 Write them down - Studies have shown that your resolutions will have a better chance of being met if you record them in some fashion. Post them on your blog, keep a copy in your wallet or post them on your fridge. This way you have something to reference and you won't forget what your goals are for the year. 

#2 Be very specific - Make sure you add important details or timelines. For myself that could be finishing a project by a certain time. This adds in some something you can measure so you'll have a clearer idea of how well you are doing.

#3 Share them with others - By telling people your intentions increases the odds you'll stick with your resolutions. If people know you're trying to lose weight they won't offer you that extra piece of cake. Or your lovely wife will help maintain your 'To Do List' for around the house and keep you on track.

What resolutions do you try every year but fail? What resolution is new this year?
I have one major one which I plan on sharing in the next post. 

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