February 16, 2013

"Go" - My 2013 Goal

I mentioned two posts ago when discussing New Years Resolutions that I had one for myself. It isn't a list of items that I want to accomplish it is more of an attitude change that I hope will spread throughout all aspects of my life. Ready, set,...

My wife told me that on some of the blogs she reads that people were adopting a word for the year. Some of them were: “Together”, “Reflect”, and the ever popular “Simplify”. I thought that this was a really cool idea so I decided to come up with one of my own. For me “Go” is perfect as it can be applied in so many different ways. It can be a reminder to keep moving, either from from one project to another, or to move your body and get some decent exercise.

Ways I want to apply the ‘Go’ attitude

  1. No more excuses for anything. There is a solution to every problem so don’t give up on finding it, keep going.
  2. Try new things, go new places, and learn new ideas. If an opportunity comes up, I need to act on it. I can’t be afraid of it, I need to embrace it and find a way to learn from it.
  3. Share more. In this blog, with my family, and with my job. I can't hold back my thoughts or ideas any longer. This will take practice but will yield great returns.

Wish me luck as I start my "Go" journey.

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