February 19, 2013

My first Star Wars toys

Who doesn't remember their first Star Wars toy?
For me it was a few action figures at Christmas time which in no time grew to a couple dozen figures and a few play sets. At the time I don't think I really appreciated the pieces of pop culture I was playing with. I probably didn't see and really appreciate the movies until ten years later in life.

Now I have two daughters who are more interested in Rainbow Fairy books and Disney Princesses than sci-fi adventures in a galaxy far, far away. My youngest promises that she will watch Star Wars with me, and I intend to hold my three year old to that promise but not for a few more years.

So in the meantime I turn my attention to my nephew. We just celebrated his first birthday and I wanted to be the first to give him a Star Wars toy. Two stuffed vehicles, the Death Star and a Tie-Fighter, found on ThinkGeek and a ABC board book my wife found at a book store have become his rite of passage gifts.

He probably won't remember receiving these toys down the road, so it is a good thing I'm not going to stop there. Just wait until you see what we're going to get him for Christmas. 

What Star Wars toys did you own? Where else can you find great geeky gifts for young ones?

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