January 3, 2014

The Last 5 Percent

I have a few projects on the go at home which range from touch-up painting to ripping out an old fireplace. Some of these projects I started over a year ago and they are 95% done and I just need to do one or two more small tasks before I can completely say that I’m done. We’re able to function with this 5% remaining, but it would feel a lot better finishing something before starting onto the next project.
Don't ignore or put off the 5%!!! (Your spouse will thank you.)

In creating marketing emails and landing pages, the 5% is representative of reporting and the weight of its importance should be closer to 20%. Before starting the next campaign, it is very important to understand and share with others what worked with the previous message components. There is always something to learn which can influence how the next campaign should proceed. It is very easy to get too busy when handling a large volume of communications and/or responsibilities, but looking back will make you and your team better marketers.
Don't ignore or put off reporting!!! (Your CMO will thank you.)

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