October 23, 2014

A Marvel-ous Return

Last year I introduced my daughters to the world of comic books starting with the series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. They both loved it, one for the stories and one for the artwork. It was a win-win!!

This summer I decided to pick up some Marvel superhero books for my oldest daughter and see what would happen. As a kid I was given my first comic book and did not read it for months because it was so unfamiliar to me. I completely thought that the same thing would happen again, but I should have known better. In no time at all,she had this book collecting ten issues of classic X-Men stories read and then reread for consecutive evenings. She liked it and it was a proud daddy moment for me. 

Fast forward to present day where I find myself drawn back into the Marvel comic universe as a side effect. I have been loving the cinematic universe for the last few years, but now I find myself wandering into the local comic book store. My wife jokes each time asking if Captain Sweatpants was there or not - A Big Bang reference. Funny as that is I find I’m that kid again who finally broke down and read the comic book given to him. Only now I get to rediscover the magic and mystery that made me a fan so many years ago.

The new challenge will be balancing the collector in me and sharing this experience with my daughters. Whatever the outcome, it has been a fun return to the world of Marvel comics.

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