November 22, 2014

Programming Passion

"I’d rather be a failure at something I love than a success at something I hate"
– George Burns

This past Thursday and Friday I spent a large part of my work day working with HTML and CSS code. There were two projects, one an email and the other a landing page (web page), both of which were created to be responsive. It was familiar territory but I was pushing my skills a little further which was frustrating at times but it was equally the highlight of my day.

It is always interesting how I always gravitate to the programming side of my job. Thursday night I found myself thinking about what I could do to improve the code, especially in terms of making it repeatable for other projects. I love it when that happens (thinking about work); it's a clear sign that I am feeling passionate about the work I'm doing.

It would be awesome if everyday could feel like that. Then again, why can't it. Ultimately it comes down to yourself to peruse the things that make you feel passionate. As long as you can sneak it in everyday, it helps make the other parts of your job more digestible. That is my plan at least.

How do you keep the passion alive for the work you do? 

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