January 24, 2016

Artistic Red Photography

For the week three challenge of the Dogwood 52 week challenge I posted a video instead of a photograph. While this was my attention starting out on this journey as I want to explore my videographer skills as much as photographer, but I realized that I need to do both in tandem. So over the weekend I shot anything in sight that was red looking for a perfect photo.

The photo below was taken at the Borealis Grille and Bar which is decorated with items from the same historical era as when it was a school. The red really stood out and I knew that I had found my picute.

Here is a breakdown of the camera settings:
Camera - Nikon D610
Lens - 24-85mm f/4.5
Focal length: 56mm
ISO - 640
Exposure - 1/8 sec.
Flash - Dd not fire

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