About Me

My name, if you haven't already guessed, is Steve Coleman. I've thrown in my middle initial 'C' since the URL stevecoleman was too expensive, plus it helps distinguish me from others in search engine optimization.

There a few things that you will learn from viewing my blog. The first one being that I love being a father to my two beautiful daughters. They keep me young at heart and have introduced me to a world of joy.

The second thing you might notice is that I love digital marketing. I will often write about social media site and web design tips. Even the technology that we consume digital marketing on fascinates me as it is changing everyday and it is exciting to learn.

For work I am a Demand Generation Specialist, so that love of digital marketing helps me keep my skills current when needing to communicate successfully via email nurture campaigns and marketing automation programs. My skills and expertise in PhotoShop and InDesign are able to help us create professional graphics and documents quickly and inexpensively.

Thanks for reading and coming along on this journey with me. I hope that I'm able to teach you something new, maybe make you laugh, and hopefully (if I do this right) make a new friend.

Steve C. Coleman